City Tour Palembang
Well I will tell you what are the tourist tours in palembang so far people only know if the tour in palembang is just ampera and fort kuto besak yes it is true tourist in palembang but that's not the only tour in palembang there are many more nah want to know anything .
1.Bukit Siguntang
Siguntang hill is once a place where buddhist buddhas to ascend and where princesses of the dead pancakes is now a tourist spot for visitors in palembang just by paying parking money and money you can see ancient buildings there suitable for the family because of the cool place and many pleas.
2. Wood Punti (Punti Kayu)
Punti wood (Punti kayu) is one of the forest in the middle of the city nah you can visit the wooden punti because the wood punti not only in the forest there is a zoo, outbound, swimming pool, and a place to relax there are also animals there like horses, crocodiles, honey bears, elephants, ostriches, and other animals there is also a playground of your children just spend money on parking and entry money just to enter the tourist attractions of this wooden punti.
3. The Dry Island (Pulau Kemarau)
The dry island you already know if you hear dry drought or dry is here in say dry island is this island which is surrounded by river of musi and just ups and downs, this keemarau island tells about two china people love each other and died there so every Lunar New Year must be crowded there if for people - outsiders of this city is good for tourist attractions there is a statue of china, there in mystical do not say dirty / dirty because there the place is sacred according to the people china.
Monpera is a monument to the suffering of the people of this monument is the same as the monument of the national monument to be a tourist attraction near ampera this place is not cold because this place is close to the roundabout of the grand mosque so crowded once passing car cars but this is a nice place for you to take pictures because there are combat machines and this is also the place of monuments palembang.
5.Tugu Iwak Belido

Monument iwak belido is not finished in the wake but apasalahnya I wrote :) monument iwak belido is in the fort kuto besak similar to the lion statue in singapur because this statue out of water like a lion in singapur
That is the places - attractions in palembang besides ampera and fort kuto besak well anytime again want to visit to palembang it's time you travel this old city
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